Nabox Weekly Issue 3

Nabox Backend

  • Completed the development of back-end.
  • Token assets and asset information management.
  • Completed the development of DApp shelf management.
  • Completed the development of APP banner management function.


  • Completed the docking of Swap module and front-end convertible asset query and display
  • Completed the Swap module user balance information query docking
  • Completed Swap order list query docking
  • Completed Swap order sending docking
  • Completed Swap module order details query docking

Nabox Mobile Applications

  • Add parameters to synchronize wallet success or failure
  • Fix asset management defocus operation will crash
  • Unified home page with asset list, asset details, transfer asset selection, asset management, display of asset icons on the page
  • Optimizing Fingerprint Identification Transfer
  • Continue to optimize DApp web interface logic
  • Modify the layout of the dapp search page
  • Add contact input address verification
  • Optimize the height of the pop-up window in the asset selection interface
  • DApp browser webview replaces the original webview and optimizes the loading speed of the home page of all webviews

Community Operation

  • Open beta has started for the Nabox mobile applications, and we have received some good feedback so far
  • Participated in Joint AMA with Lbank:
  • NFTCircle DApp supports Nabox plug-in connection
  • Added support for 5 project assets across the chain