Lost Funds / balance

I download the latest version of Nabox. I logged in with password en import wit mnemonic phrase.
It still opend with a nother wallet adress then NULSd6HgUy23tAQLV2jfWJmv1WV47cuL1wurr
It gave been stil there for a year and now ik can see it no more for 4 months.

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Click the avatar in the upper left corner to switch accounts and see if this address is in your other account list?

Hello, i created it in android

Hey TinTin, did you succeed?

Hello Nabox,
Avatar didnā€™t help me.
I do not believe in it anymore.
Can you also tell me why you have more options to import your account via Android than via Chrome?

Nabox has Chrome extension wallet, Android wallet and iOS wallet, they all have the same functionality.

Letā€™s chat on telegram, @Nabox_Walletļ¼Œchatting there is more efficient

but on android I have more options to import an account. This is only possible via Chrome with your private key and not with your seed phrase

Yep, mnemonics can only be imported through the Nabox App.