Multi-chain Synthetic Stablecoin - USDTN/USDCN

SwapBox is a smart DEX integration that aims to find the best swap channels for users with 0 slippage. Users can swap assets across multi-chains by adding liquidity in Swapbox Layer 2 protocol.


USTDN/USDCN are multichain synthetic stablecions which you can obtain by adding liquidity on SwapBox Layer 2 pools.

Assets exsist in different forms on different blockchains. For example, USDT/USDC are the most common stablecoins, the demands for USDT/USDC are huge on BNB Chain, Ethereum, Polygon, Tron and more. Currently, we are relying on CEX to transfer USDT/USDC over different blockchains, but SwapBox provides an easier way to swap USDT/USDC on multichains.

How is USDTN created?

USTDN can be obtained at a 1:1 rate based on the amount of USDT that exists on your blockchain address (Currently supports Ethereum/BSC/Heco/ OKExChain/ Avalanche/ KCC/ Cronos/ Polygon/ Hamony/ Arbitrum).

First, you need to transfer USDT/USDC to SwapBox layer2 pool, then you will receive the same amount of USDTN in your corresponding address. When withdrawing USDTN/USDCN, you can withdraw it to all supported chains. Once the withdrawal action is taken, USDTN/USDCN will be burned and you can choose the amount of USDTN/USDCN you want to withdraw to either address (Ethereum/BSC/Heco/ OKExChain/ Avalanche/ KCC/ Cronos/ Polygon/ Hamony/ Arbitrum)

How is the security ensured?

Accessing to the underlying code of Nerve nodes is required to lock USDT and issue USDNT, which makes it impossible to be attacked by smart contract vulnerabilities. Meanwhile,an approval of 66% of virtual banks is a presupposition to add a new form of USDT from other blockchains to the SwapBox layer2 pools. With all of that being done, the assets safety and quality will be greatly enhanced.

What are the use cases of USDNT?

USDTN is used as the main stable coin in NerveNetwork. You can stake USDTN-NVT LP on Nerve mainnet mining NVT, NABOX-USDTN LP mining will also be launched in the near future!

As SwapBox grows, there will be more similar exchange pools being developed, along with more synthetic assets such as, ETHN, MATICN and so on…We will be able to swap many types of asset between multi-chains by adding liquidity to crosschain liquidity pools!