Crosschain swap Transaction unconfirmed

Dear Nabox Team
My transaction unconfirmed from last 5 days what will I do I can’t understand where I will submit this issue please solve this issue or at least refund that amount so in future I will trust more on nabox wallet and this is major issue please review this I transfer nabox (Nuls to Nerve )

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Hello, please send out the cross-chain transaction hash, and I will check it for you.
Please enter the Nabox telegram group, I believe there, you will get help as soon as possible.

Sir I waited for 2 to 4 weeks after announcement that wallet nodes upgrades but now I lost my transferred fund that I transfer to nervechain now what will I do I lost 50000nabox by using this crosschain swap how can I recover I don’t want to share in telegram because everyone want to give you advice give me private key I will help you say

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Hi, please send the transaction hash of the NULS chain, and I will let the technicians handle it for you. Please rest assured that the assets are on the chain and will not be lost :grinning:


Hello Nabox,
I’m responding to this forum because I have the same problem. Can you please tell me where I can send the printout of my transaction and you can arrange a solution

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